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Verrucae – Plantar Wart


Kick Verrucae to the Curb

With the expert touch at Chris Garside Podiatry

At Chris Garside Podiatry, we understand the nuisance of verrucae, or plantar warts, which can appear on the hands and feet due to a contagious virus infecting the upper layers of the skin. These growths can vary in appearance but often resemble raised, hardened patches, sometimes with a ‘cauliflower’ texture.

They tend to be circular and may feature tiny black dots at the centre, which are small blood vessels that can bleed when the surface skin is removed. Verrucae typically become painful when situated on weight-bearing areas like the foot’s ball and frequently affect children.

We are well-versed in treating verrucae, ensuring you receive the most effective care. We recommend booking an appointment for optimal treatment tailored to your specific case.

  • Verrucae can be stubborn to treat, and while many claim to offer quick solutions, each case is unique, and even the smallest wart can be persistent. We customize treatment to address your verruca effectively.
  • We provide guidance on preventing verrucae transmission to safeguard your foot health.

At Chris Garside Podiatry, we precisely tackle verrucae, offering tailored treatments and preventative advice for your peace of mind and comfort.

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